The Dry Red Wine Athina Naoussa 750ml is a refined choice that highlights the rich taste experience it offers. With its unique character and a rich variety of aromas, this wine provides an absolutely harmonious taste experience.With a light, slightly greenish hue, this wine offers a complex aroma of exotic and white-fleshed fruits, with dominant notes of grapefruit and peach, while a subtle sense of “fossil” is imparted by Assyrtiko. In the mouth, it is characterized by a smooth yet sturdy structure that offers freshness and a long-lasting finish to the taste. Its bouquet reveals its rich and fresh flavor at 9-11°C.As an accompaniment, dishes with seafood and shellfish, pasta with white sauces, white meats, and salads are recommended. The exquisite taste experience offered by this wine will complement every palate with a sense of high quality and enjoyment.
uom | Piece |
packaging | 750 ml |
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